Older American's Festival set for May 21
By By Thomas Tingle/Record Managing Editor
The Madison County Commission hopes to take a "bite" out of the growing number of mosquito's infesting rural Madison County with the new generator that will aid in eliminating the pesky bugs.
The commission agreed to purchase three aerosol generators that will be installed on the back of the mosquito trucks belonging to the districts of Dale Strong, Jerry Craig and Roger Jones. The generators, which cost $6,200 each, arrived a few days ago and area spraying began Monday and will continue this week.
Residents have been asked to eliminate any standing water in areas that are common mosquito breeding areas such as old tires, ditches, or large containers.
In other news from the commission, the 18th annual Older Americans Festival will be held on Tuesday, May 21, at Sharon Johnston Park in New Market. The festival will include a box lunch, entertainment, games, fishing and other activities.
The Top of Alabama Regional Council of Governments and the Madison County Commission hosts it.
According to Linda McWilliams, nutrition director for TARCOG, more than 3,000 people are expected to attend the event.
"The month of May is Older Americans Month and this is a wonderful way to recognize our older Americans," McWilliams said. "It's like an old fashioned picnic. There will be lots of good food and entertainment, horse and buggy rides, and a lot more."
McWilliams said the gates will open at 9:30 a.m. and the event is expected to last until 2 p.m.
Tickets to the Older Americans Festival are available at the TARCOG office at 115 Washington St. in downtown Huntsville.