Committee of 100 adds six Young Professionals
HUNTSVILLE – The Committee of 100 has selected six new members to join its Young Professionals (YP) organization of 50 local, young business people active in community leadership and political issues.
Newly elected members of Committee of 100 YP are Dana Cave, TekSouth Corporation; Mallory Hilderbrand, Intergraph Corporation; D.J. Klein, Launch Broadband LLC; Bart Siniard, Siniard Timberlake & League; Lauren Vandiver, TVA; and Joey Yearta, Yulista Aviation.
Bree Wilbourn, an attorney with Grace, Matthews & Debro LLC, chairs Committee of 100 YP.
A group of 240 CEOs and professionals, the Committee of 100 focuses on economic development and public education issues and projects, in addition to supporting candidates for local elected offices. YP members receive training in community and political issues and mentoring by Committee of 100 members.
Committee of 100 YP sponsored its fifth “Rock the Vote” event in February 2016 at Campus 805 for all area young professionals to meet local political candidates and register to vote.
The YP component of the Committee of 100 was organized in October 2006. YP members are younger than 35 years old.
YP members have monthly programs on economic development and public education topics. They also are invited to attend quarterly meetings with the full membership, task force meetings and lunch meetings with local elected leaders.
The Committee of 100 focuses on long-term strategies that impact economic development. For education, members are actively engaged in public school issues and regularly attend school board meetings for Huntsville, Madison and Madison County districts.
During the 2012 leadership and financial crisis in Huntsville City Schools, members worked diligently with other community and civic groups to help identify solutions and alleviate the fiscal and academic problems.
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