DAR commends Cozby, Johnson and Luongo at Bob Jones
MADISON – The Daughters of the American Revolution (DAR) organization has recognized Jordan Cozby, Chloe Johnson and Anthony Luongo at Bob Jones High School for demonstrating high standards of citizenship.
Cozby is a member of the United Way Youth Leaders Council and Student Government Association Executive Board. He is Debate Team captain and communications director for High School Democrats of America.
Cozby was selected as U.S. Senate Youth finalist; Top 16, International Public Policy Forum; second-place winner, Samford University Debate Tournament; and Alabama Legislative Page. His parents are Robin Cozby and Marilyn Lands.
“I’m considering Vanderbilt, Yale, Emory and Georgetown” as college options, Cozby said. He will major in economics and then pursue law school.
Johnson has pursued her interest in the dramatic arts by participating with productions by Bob Jones Theatre. Also interested in athletics, Johnson is a member of the Bob Jones softball team.
As a freshman, Johnson was voted as “Most Diverse” by her classmates. Her parents are Greg and Karla Johnson.
“I would love to play softball for the University of Alabama,” Johnson said. She is considering physical therapy as a major.
Luongo is a member of Spanish Club and Fellowship of Christian Athletes at Bob Jones. He plays on the AAA travel hockey team.
Luongo consistently is named as a scholar on the A honor roll. He achieved the highest GPA on the baseball team for 2013-2014. Currently, he is undecided about which college he will attend, but he knows that he wants to major in political science.
Anthony’s parents are Chris and Cheryl Luongo.
Founded in 1890, DAR has headquarters in Washington D.C. The non-profit, non-political volunteer organization for women is dedicated to promoting patriotism, preserving American history and securing America’s future through better education for children.