It’s official – Council approves FY 2018 budget
MADISON – With much less debate and conflict than previous years, Madison City Council has approved the city’s Fiscal Year 2018 budget.
Mayor Paul Finley and city department heads also have input for the city budget.
“We want to spend your tax dollars wisely and be transparent as to where that money is going,” Council President Tommy Overcash said.
Council members pointed out several major points for the 2018 budget:
* Leaders will not need to cut any city services.
* City employees will receive a three-percent merit raise.
* Four traffic signals — Hughes Road at Gooch Lane, Bradford Farms and Plaza Boulevard; County Line Road at Hardiman Road.
* $500,000 for collector roads — Collector road resurfacing. Slaughter Road from Farrow Road to Old Madison Pike. Hughes Road from railroad overpass to Madison Boulevard.
* $125,000 on roads for ADA compliance or Americans with Disabilities Act — ADA sidewalk upgrade on collector roads. Resurface Hughes Road sidewalk.
* Additional personnel for police and fire departments.
* $303,000 for storm water management.
* $856,397 in capital purchases.
* $650,000 for neighborhood streets.
* $65,000 for ADA compliance on neighborhood streets.
The City of Madison’s fiscal year begins on Oct. 1 and ends on Sept. 30. All annual appropriations of funds in the current budget lapse at the end of the fiscal year. Funds must be re-appropriated for the next fiscal year. (“City of Madison, Alabama – Annual Operating Budget – FY 2018”)
The city has the following department heads: Police Chief David Jernigan, Fire Chief David Bailey, Director of Public Works Kent Smith, City Clerk/Treasurer Melanie Williard, Director of Parks and Recreation Kory Alfred, Director of Planning/Economic Development Mary Beth Broeren, Municipal Court Clerk Cheri Martin, Director of Finance/Purchasing Roger Bellomy, Director of Human Resources Terri Towry, Director of Revenue Cameron Grounds, Director of Engineering Gary Chynoweth, Director of Information Technology Jason Colee, City Attorney Megan Zingarelli and Acting Director of Building Dustin Riddle.
To access the entire budget document, “Annual Operating Budget – FY 2018,” visit