Madison, Columbia elementaries salute parents
MADISON – Two elementary schools in Madison recently showed a gesture of appreciation to a child’s most important influence — the parent.
At Madison Elementary School, “we wanted to honor all moms and invite them for breakfast,” assistant principal Elizabeth ‘Britt’ Lovelace said. Their answer was Muffins for Moms, held April 2 and 3.
To-date, about 350 mothers had accepted the invitation. Moms of fourth- through sixth-graders were honored on April 2, with mothers for younger grades recognized on April 3.
“The hospitality committee decided to not only honor our moms but to get them more involved in our school community,” Muffins for Moms coordinator Reba Moorer said. Local businesses donated supplies, and Madison Elementary PTA also donated both funds and volunteer labor.
For Muffins for Moms, “we invite moms and ‘motherly’ figures to enjoy a muffin, juice and coffee with their loved ones. It’s always fun to bring the Madison elementary family and community together,” Moorer said.
The school staff and PTA want parents to feel welcome and stay involved on campus year-round. Last fall, a similar recognition for fathers was a major success.
Columbia Elementary School also recognized its father figures with “Donuts for Dad” in March.
Before school, fathers gathered with their children to enjoy a continental breakfast. The dads were photographed with their sons and daughters.
“Dads made cards for their students after they went to class,” Columbia media specialist Stephanie Nguyen said.
In addition, Columbia has founded a WATCH DOGS (Dads of Great Students) group. “WATCH DOGS engage men, inspire children, reduce bullying and enhance the educational environment at your school,” Nguyen said.
The National Center for Fathering founded the WATCH DOGS initiative to promote fraternal involvement. “Father figures provide positive male role models for the students and enhance school security,” Nguyen said.
Currently, more than 2,811 active programs in 46 states participate in WATCH DOGS.
Fathers, grandfathers, stepfathers, uncles and other male caregivers can volunteer at least one day each year for various school activities.
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