Huntsville police plan DUI checkpoints
HUNTSVILLE – The Huntsville Police Department has announced “hot spot” safety checkpoints that they will enforce during for the New Year’s Eve and New Year’s Day holiday.
“The Huntsville Police Department will be proactive in enforcing Alabama DUI and driving while impaired laws over the upcoming holiday weekend through Jan. 1, 2014,” communications relations officer Dr. Harry Hobbs said.
The state’s Traffic Safety Office (ADECA) has provided grant enforcement money for extra patrols. “Huntsville Police Officers will be conducting traffic safety checkpoints to encourage everyone not to drink and drive,” Hobbs said.
The department’s DUI Traffic Task Force will use crash data from the Critical Analysis Reporting Environment (C.A.R.E.) with the State of Alabama. The task force “will be operating random checkpoints and specifically targeting locations that have been identified as ‘hot spots’ because of high crashes and DUI-related involvements,” Hobbs said.
When approaching safety checkpoints, drivers will be asked to provide a current driver’s license, proof of insurance and vehicle registration. Additionally, officers will check seat belt compliance for both driver and all passengers.
Potential locations for these holiday checkpoints through New Year’s Eve include several intersections:
* Memorial Parkway and University Drive
* Drake Avenue and Patton Road
* University Drive and Sparkman Drive
* Andrew Jackson Way and Oakwood Avenue
* Holmes Avenue and Jordan Lane
* Airport Road and Whitesburg Drive
For more information about DUI enforcement efforts, call Sgt. Michael T. Johnson, DUI Task Force Supervisor, at 256-427-5584 or Lt. Ken Brooks, Special Service Lieutenant, at 256-427-5379.