JustServe matches volunteers with options
MADISON – The JustServe organization matches individuals who want to volunteer with outreach opportunities in the community.
On the JustServe.org website, service organizations can post their volunteer needs. Volunteers then can search for places to serve in the community.
“JustServe provides opportunities to relieve suffering, to care for the poor and needy and to enhance the quality of life in the community,” spokesperson Peggy Unander said. “JustServe is not for proselytizing or publicity. It is simply a service to help link community volunteer needs with volunteers.”
Mary Howard and Karen Denzine with JustServe recently decorated the organization’s tree for the 2016 Madison Mayor’s Christmas Tree Decorating Contest. Non-profit groups, businesses and other individuals have decorated and illuminated Christmas trees along the west end of Main Street in Madison.
Howard serves as Director of Public Relations for JustServe. Denzine is Public Relations Specialist for the organization.
Members of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints designed and maintain the JustServe website, but the use of the website involves no religious affiliation, Unander said.