Madison legionnaires assist with The Wall That Heals exhibit
HUNTSVILLE – Members of American Legion, Post 229 in Madison supported the recent visit of The Wall That Heals.
The wall is a three-quarter-scale replica of the Vietnam Veterans Memorial Wall in Washington D.C. A mobile education center accompanies the wall in its travels across the country. The traveling replica contains names of more than 58,000 men and women who died during the Vietnam War or remain missing.
The Wall That Heals has been displayed at about 600 communities and has shared the memorial’s healing legacy to millions of citizens, Madison legionnaire Richard L. Blanton said.
Madison Post 229 provided 10 people for safety and security work in a four-hour shift during the wall’s visit in Huntsville on Nov. 1-4. They also assisted Vietnam veterans and other visitors.
Madison legionnaires who participated with the wall exhibit include Richard L. Blanton, Andy Caudell, Larry Frakes, Jimmy Harris, Robert Kirby, Michael Marcel, Bill McGahey, Tom McKinney, Tim Orman, Doug Pruett, Carlos Woods and Larry Vannoy.
The wall replica is 375 feet long and stands 7.5 feet high at its tallest point. Like the original, The Wall That Heals is erected in a chevron-shape. Visitors can transfer a soldier’s name by rubbing a pencil on paper against the etching.
The wall was built with Avonite, synthetic granite. An aluminum frame supports its 140 numbered panels. LED lighting provides readability in day and night. The wall lists names by day of casualty.
The mobile education center offers additional displays:
* Hometown Heroes — Photographs of service members.
* Maps and printed directories of soldiers’ names.
* Memory Honor Roll — Vietnam veterans who returned home but later died of Vietnam-related illnesses.
* Gold Star Bike – Tribute to mothers who lost children to the Vietnam War.
For more information, visit
American Legion, Post 229 meets monthly on second Thursdays at 7 p.m. at Lunar Lodge 918 at 740 Eastview Drive in Madison. For more information, call 256-258-8534, email or or visit Facebook/americanlegionpost229.